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Festival of Place Bytesize is back with a session on Passivhaus social housing
Festival of Place Bytesize is back with a session on Passivhaus social housing

Free Bytesize event: Making the case for high-quality social housing and Passivhaus

Bytesize is back with a free event on Passivhaus social housing on 7 October

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Festival of Place Bytesize is back with a free online seminar on making the case for high-quality social housing including Passivhaus. The lunchtime learning event takes place on digital platform Airmeet at 12pm on 7 October and is supported by Muse.


In this 80-minute online session, attendees will learn how up-front investment in high-quality and sustainable social housing can be both cost-effective and deliver substantial health and wellbeing benefits for communities. Speakers include Glenn Martin, Director of Investment, Development and Sustainability, Salix Homes; Yogini Patel, Head of Campaigns and Communications, Passivhaus Trust; James Turner, Associate Director, Mikhail Riches and Simon Hourihan, Project Director, Muse.

The speakers will discuss the health benefits of investing in high quality social housing and how the additional up-front cost of building to Passivhaus standards can be returned over time, including how much more does it cost, what are the paybacks, and what is the period or timeline for benefits to be felt. They’ll also tackle how to ensure consistent quality of delivery and get buy-in from the supply chain, communities and key stakeholders

A new Greenhaus resident
Greenhaus, a Passivhaus development in Salford, by Muse and Salix Homes


Simon Hourihan, project director at Muse and Glenn Martin, Director of Investment, Development and Sustainability, Salix Homes will be sharing their delivery of Greenhaus, a Passivhaus development in Salford, which included 96 Passivhaus social homes. Greenhaus homes are expected to use up to 79-90% less energy than regular housing.  


Yogini Patel, Head of Campaigns and Communications, Passivhaus Trust will be discussing the trust’s campaign, Passivhaus Social, which explains the benefits and addresses the challenges of investing in high-quality social housing to promote longterm climate resilience and combat fuel poverty. 


Finally, James Turner, Associate Director, Mikhail Riches will be describing their learnings from designing the Stirling Prize-winning Passivhaus social housing at Goldsmith Street, comprising 105 homes arranged into high-density terraced streets in Norwich.


Festival of Place Bytesize is an occasional series of free lunchtime learning events created with partner organisations. If you have knowledge to share and are interested in creating a Bytesize event, please contact 


Register now for 7 October






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