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Child chasing pigeons. Getty Images

Tim Gill: How child-friendly planning and design can save cities

Watch the talk by Tim Gill, author and independent researcher on childhood play, will discuss how the shift to car-centric planning has reinforced indoor, sedentary lifestyles at Festival of Place Bytesize

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The Developer hosted an online Festival of Place Bytesize event with author and thinker, Tim Gill on how child-friendly planning and design can save cities. The event took place on Thursday 21 May from 10-11:30am via Zoom.


The shift to car-centric neighbourhood planning has reinforced declining childhood freedoms and indoor, sedentary lifestyles. Gill is an independent researcher on childhood play and spoke about his forthcoming book: Urban playground: Can child-friendly planning save our cities?



In a 30-minute talk, Gill discussed neighbourhood planning in the context of risk, and the desire to create child-friendly, walkable, cycle-friendly, accessible and vibrant public spaces.


Gill will also addressed questions of density and emerging thoughts about post-pandemic planning and design.


The talk was followed by an audience Q&A and an online networking session.


The event was free, but The Developer welcomes support on Patrons to The Developer gain early access to tickets and other opportunities.


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