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Christopher Arthey puts forward his Radical Rethink to create a new simple appraisal tool that will calculate the value of a development on the basis of its social, cultural and environmental contribution
Christopher Arthey describes his idea for a Gross Social Value appraisal tool that will quantify what is unique to the character of an existing site and set a target for the developer to influence the output.
The presentation is part of the Radical Rethink series, supported by Vestre and developed with landscape architect Will Sandy. The idea was presented live in front of our sounding board, and the following is a recording of the event. Radical Rethink is a call out for radical thinking for public space from policy-makers, planners, designers, academics and thinkers – anyone with an idea pushing for new ways of working to create better places. The following video features Zoë Berman and Roland Karthaus, Christopher Arthey and Rebecca McDonald-Balfour, plus feedback from our sounding board of experts which includes Natascha McIntyre-Hall of Portsmouth City Council, Cat Drew, Design Council and Jonny Anstead, TOWN
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© Festival of Place - Tweak Ltd., 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX. Tel: 020 3326 7238